With a long and straight caulking nozzle, you are well-equipped for even the most challenging caulking tasks. The long, straight tip makes it easy to reach places like under windows and soffit boards, where it is often very narrow and difficult to access.
Because the tip is long and completely straight, you can reach far into even small cracks, and all our caulking nozzles fit all types of caulking guns.
NOTE: Remember your nozzle holder, find it here
With a long and straight caulking nozzle, you are well-equipped for even the most challenging caulking tasks. The long, straight tip makes it easy to reach places like under windows and soffit boards, where it is often very narrow and difficult to access.
Because the tip is long and completely straight, you can reach far into even small cracks, and all our caulking nozzles fit all types of caulking guns.
NOTE: Remember your nozzle holder, find it here
Dankit er en dansk virksomhed, der i 40 år har produceret bitumenbaserede fugemasser til tage af tegl og beton. Deres produkter bruges både af gør-det-selv folk og proffesionelle.
Derudover producerer Dankit special fugespidser til en lang række formål, hvor en traditionel fugespids ikke kan bruges.
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